Waiting on the Lord – with conviction    – Intro Lesson 7 – February 21 – 28

When God did decide the time was right, he used a man with very strong convictions.  He asked a man whose name meant, “The Lord is my God” to demonstrate to everyone that his God was alive.   He chose a man whose background was insignificant.  A man who was not highly educated or refined.  A man who had days of incredible faith and courage and had periods of discouragement and weakness.  He used a man who would take great risks because he believed with all his heart and soul that his God would answer prayer and bring honor to Himself alone.  His name was Elijah.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have it said about you, as it was said about Elijah, “He did as the LORD told him to do”?  It’s not the size or fame of the miracle, is it?  It’s the fact that God can use you to demonstrate the power of His resurrection in ways which are ordinarily unexplainable when you are willing to “wait on Him” with conviction.

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