Waiting on the Lord – with courage  – Intro Lesson 5           

When the Lord spoke to Joshua as he took over from Moses the challenge of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, He gave him something like a pep talk.  There was a huge difference between what the Lord told Joshua, however, and any other kind of human encouragement or inspirational ideas.  When God Himself reminded Joshua of His very own presence and strength, it was no longer up to Joshua to believe in himself.  He would not be alone.  He didn’t need to muster up faith in his own abilities or experience.  The Lord God promised “He would be with him.  He would not fail or abandon Him.  He would give him success.”  What did Joshua need to do in order to succeed?  God made it very clear. “Meditate on His book and do what it says!” 

Feeling a little insecure or inadequate?  Wishing someone could give you some additional courage?  Why not take the advice God gave to Joshua and focus on His promises to you.  As the Lord said to the Apostle Paul, “My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.”  (II Corinthians 12: 9)

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