"How Majestic is God's Name"

“O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!  Your glory is higher than the heavens.” 

In Hebrew this verse from Psalm 8: 1 reads “O JEHOVAH, our Adonai, . . .”  Do you have any idea what the nuances and implications of those 2 names for God might be?  

You are invited to join us as we learn together about various names that are given to the Lord God Almighty in the Bible.  If you have one hour a week or can find 5 or 10 minutes on several different days, you will be able to do this study well.  Your understanding of who God is and His desires for you will make a lasting impact on who you are becoming.

Do you know someone else who might like to do this study with you or on their own?  Please pass on this invitation. 

Look under “Current Study” to view or print the lessons.   The introduction to Lesson 1 will be posted or sent to your e-mail address if you subscribe (lower right hand side bar of the Home page) on Friday, September 13.


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