What are the dynamics that make some people so agreeable, positive, and respected as they age while others become more difficult, cantankerous and disagreeable in their later years? There are undoubtedly many contributing factors and some of them are beyond anyone’s control. Physical health certainly makes a huge difference for those who are blessed with a strong body and mind. Experts agree, however, that one’s disposition and outlook simply become more exaggerated as the ability to inhibit one’s response to circumstances, change and loss diminishes. Certainly the level of contentment and satisfaction during one’s adult years becomes an important factor. How much do you think your confidence in God’s sovereignty and goodness now will affect your disposition and attitude when you reach those final years of life?
There is every indication that both Joshua and Caleb continued to be strong in both their mind and body as they grew older. They continued to hold positions of leadership and their ears were open to the Lord God whom they had worshipped and obeyed throughout their lifetime. Caleb did not choose to “rest on his laurels” or go into retirement just because he was 85 years old, but instead he committed himself to “continue to drive out the enemies that were still in his territory through the continuing help of the Lord”. Joshua continued to listen closely to the instructions that God gave to him and as a result the tribes were able to accept the territories which were given to them and at long last they could each settle down and have rest.
Do you ever wonder how others would summarize your life if your story were to be written in a book? More than once it was said that Caleb “followed the Lord his God wholeheartedly” and his children would be blessed because of his faithfulness. What would it take for you to have that kind of reputation?