Author Archives: Marilyn


“This epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament, and is truly the purest gospel. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. We can never read…Continue Reading


What little book would you recommend as the best guidebook for the adventure of life?  All the basic information that you need to know in order to have the very best experience on your journey is included!  It’s called ROMANS.  You are invited to join with us as we study it together this winter and…Continue Reading

WHAT’S NEXT for We Study Together?

What book of the Bible would you like to understand better this winter?  Think about it!  Would it be in the New Testament? You could plan now to take one hour a week starting in January, just like a regular appointment, when you would simply meet God in quiet and listen to His voice through…Continue Reading

What’s On Your “To Do” List?

It really doesn’t matter if your list is too long or too short.  It’s true when you are far too busy and when you are bored.  It’s a good thing to consider when life seems to be out of control and when it feels calm and ordinary.  It’s been a saying that has helped me…Continue Reading