Author Archives: Marilyn

Announcing our Winter Study

                                      DID YOU HEAR WHAT JESUS SAID? One of the very best ways to get to know someone is to listen carefully to what he or she has to say! You are invited to join with us…Continue Reading


Here are 3 clues to help you figure out what our new winter study will be:        A book in the New Testament        All about the conversations and sermons of Jesus        Great connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament By the way, now might be…Continue Reading


Looking for a Christmas gift for a friend?  A hostess gift?  Or a perhaps a little present for yourself? A new and delightful book called, “Think On These Things”, written by Marilyn Miller, is now available for purchase on   (Search under Marilyn MIller) It has more than 60 short meditations designed to help the…Continue Reading

COMPLIANT OR STRONG-WILLED? – Introduction to Lesson 7 – Oct. 26 – Nov. 2

Would you agree that some children show almost from the time they are born that they are going to be a “strong-willed child”?  They are determined and delightful, stubborn and spirited, bossy and bright.  They like to make their own rules and to understand the reason behind directives.  Parents can find themselves exhausted, irritated and…Continue Reading