Author Archives: Marilyn

Why Did Noah Listen? – Insight Lesson 1

It couldn’t have been the first time that Noah felt the inner stirrings in his heart that God wanted him to do something out of the ordinary.  It was probably not the only time that Noah had heard from the Lord and chosen God’s wisdom over his own instincts.  No doubt, his life of obedience…Continue Reading


Want a sneak peak at what this new fall series will include?   Here it is – Week  1 – Noah –      “You’re Asking Me to Do What?” Week  2 – Abraham – “Really?  You Want Me to Move?” Week  3 – Moses –     “You Can’t Really Mean Me!” Week  4 – Joshua –    “March around…Continue Reading

“Listening for the Voice of God”

How do you respond when you hear God calling out to you, asking you to follow Him wherever He is leading you? God is the One who delights in using ordinary people, just like you and me, to accomplish the extraordinary.  You are invited to join us this fall as we discover what happens when people choose…Continue Reading

Beyond Hearing to Listening

Would you agree that we live in a very noisy world?  It’s not only parents who repeatedly say, “Did you really hear me?” or “Are you listening to what I said?”  There are times in all of our lives when we would like to ask the same question to both family members and friends, aren’t…Continue Reading

Who, ME? . . . Yes, YOU!

A 10 week study focused on listening for the voice of God To View or Print Study Guides Excuses, excuses, excuses!  Would you agree that most of us became very skilled in the “art of excuse-making” as teenagers?  Whether it was school work, cleaning up the bedroom or coming in past the curfew, it became…Continue Reading

WHAT DO YOU NEED? – Summer Study Summary

Our prayer for you is that these precious promises will continue to strengthen your faith and encourage you day by day.  It’s a great way to live with joy and purpose! When you need wisdom, He is there to give it to you. When you are feeling discouraged, you can find hope and help in Him.…Continue Reading