Author Archives: Marilyn

HOW RICH ARE YOU? – Intro Lesson 1

What is it that makes someone feel that he or she is rich?  Is it the size of their bank account or their investments?  Is it their possessions or their positions or their sense of entitlement?  Or could it be that it is simply how they view life?  One research center claims that 54% of…Continue Reading


The news that a very interesting and encouraging letter had just arrived from their dear friend and teacher, Paul, would have spread very quickly throughout the region around Ephesus. They no doubt had heard about his imprisonment in Rome and would have been very concerned about his safety and well-being.  Can you imagine what it…Continue Reading


It’s a breath-taking experience to view the Taj Mahal, to see the Mona Lisa, or to read one of the great pieces of literature or poetry that has been treasured for decades, isn’t it?  A masterpiece is defined as a “work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship.”  Whether the venue is music, literature, art, architecture…Continue Reading


These days many people want their physical food precooked, prepared, processed, and packaged. Quick, easy and convenient is a priority. Nutritious and delicious is a bonus. Has it ever occurred to you that we have similar preferences when it comes to our spiritual diet? We are busy people so it is easiest to turn to…Continue Reading

“Because of HIS Great Love”

A Bible Study focused on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians To View or Print Study Guides – Do you have a box of treasured letters in the attic or in a special drawer somewhere in your house? Perhaps you have saved them because they are part of your family history or your own romantic story…Continue Reading