Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner – An Insight for Lesson 2

Can you imagine what it was like the night that Jesus went to Levi’s house for dinner? Apparently Levi had invited some of his “tax collector friends and other sinners” to join them that evening in order to introduce them to Jesus. Evidently Jesus thought that it was a very good idea. The Pharisees, however, were appalled that Jesus would spend His time in the company of those kinds of people. The question that whirls around in my mind is one that I think Jesus might be asking me?   Who is coming to your house for dinner so that you can introduce them to Me? Who is going to sit at your table in the company of people who are following Me so that they can ask their questions and make their observations about what life is like for those who My disciples?  “Lord, open my eyes and heart to reach out beyond my comfort zone. Surprise me with a guest list that comes from Your heart.”

Read Mark 2:13 – 17


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