What makes you feel safe and secure? We have bank accounts, IRA’s, insurance policies, and retirement plans in the hopes that there will be enough money for our retirement years. We have medical tests, pills, and regular checkups with doctors and dentists so that we can avoid at least some health problems and take care of others before they become a serious threat to life. We have security for our homes, locks on our doors, and phone numbers available in case we need them. We have emergency supplies, evacuation plans, and neighborhood watches which may serve us well if there is a disaster of some kind in our area. While there is no question that planning ahead and being prepared is a wise way to act, we, undoubtedly, live with more insecurity than most of us would like to admit.
Isn’t it wonderful that IN CHRIST there are some things that we can absolutely count on? These realities were true when Paul wrote his letter to the church in Colossae and they are just as true today. Beyond all else, these believers needed to be reminded of the supremacy of Christ – the one who not only created all things but holds all things together. “In Him all the fullness of God lives”. It is through Him we can be reconciled to God. It is through faith in Him” we are “made alive and forgiven of all our sins”. Because our present and our future are secure in Him, we have hope – real hope.
As the one writer, R. Pippert, wrote, “Hope in Christ is the most compelling incentive in the world.” It is what will give us courage in the face of an uncertain future. It is what can give us patience and security when we feel the darkness closing in on us. It is what gives us joy, deep unexplainable joy, throughout the days of our life.