Have you ever noticed that getting started is sometimes the most arduous part of a task? Just getting the sponge or hammer or vacuum out of the closet can be the excuse to delay doing the work. At other times it is simply getting out of the chair and making the decision that “now is the time” that keeps us from accomplishing our goals. In reality many of these kinds of jobs take a much shorter amount of time and/or energy than we had imagined in our mind, don’t they?
There a just a few days left now before our new winter Bible study series will begin, so here are two things that you can do in order to make it easier to get started. The first is to simply print out the study guides (“current study”) so that you can have them in a folder, ready to use during your weekly study hour or times. The second is to spend some time in the next few days reading through the whole gospel written by Matthew. It’s not a requirement, but you will have a huge “jump start” if you can find about 2 hours to simply read the book in its entirety.
Please know that if you are not able to participate in this exploration of Matthew at this time, that the weekly introductions just might be a source of encouragement and inspiration to you if you have subscribed to receive them by e-mail (right hand side bar on the website) and that the study will be available for you some time in the future.