Lesson 4 – Intro – October 12 – 19 The Many Faces of Pride

         Would you agree with this definition? “Pride is having too large a view of yourself because you have too small a view of God, while humility is having a right view of yourself because you have a right view of God.” (Ray Pritchard) Hidden in this explanation of pride is also the reason that all of us seem to struggle with it in one form or another. Think about it. 

         When is it that a sense of pride turns the corner and becomes conceit or vanity or selfishness? There is an activity that might help you answer these questions in a personal way. Maybe you would like to try it. Take a piece of paper. On one side entitle the column “PRIDE KEEPS ME FROM – “and at the top of the other column write “HUMILITY ALLOWS ME TO – “. One of the first things that you might think of is “pride keeps me from apologizing while humility allows me to forgive” or “pride keeps me from accepting help (even when I really need it) but humility allows me to be grateful for help”. You just might be surprised at the discoveries that you make if you will take the time to think about decisions that you have made just in the last week where your sense of your own rights and privileges have kept you from doing good. You may be pleased to find out that the fruit of God’s Spirit is becoming part of who you are in both gentleness and meekness.

          In his letter to the Romans, Paul gives this advice, “Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us” – Romans 12: 3. It’s all part of God’s transforming us to think and act like His Son, Jesus, who willingly left heaven and came to give Himself as a sacrifice for us.

2 Responses to Lesson 4 – Intro – October 12 – 19 The Many Faces of Pride

  1. Hi Marilyn,
    just want to let you know that i’m loving this study so much. I’m a little behind, as usual, but the Lord is using it in my life so powerfully.
    thank you so much!

  2. That’s great to hear. Love knowing that God is using the studies in His ways and blessing you. Wait until you read the Intro for Lesson 5!

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