Why Do You Love God?

       Ten weeks ago we embarked on a Bible study called “I Love You, O Lord – 10 Amazing Reasons to Love God” based on Psalm 18.  Have you made your own list yet?  Have you posted the summary of your study so that you can be reminded of just who your God really is and what He wants to do for you?  Here is the list:

  1. The ALMIGHTY God is  .  .  .       My Strength
  2. The ETERNAL  God is  .  .   .       My Rock
  3. The IMMUTABLE GOD is . . .     My Fortress
  4. The SOVEREIGN God is   . . .     My Deliverer
  5. The FAITHFUL God is  .   .    .      My Refuge
  6. The VICTORIOUS God is .  .  .     My Shield
  7. The COMPASSIONATE God is    My Help – My Support
  8. The GLORIOUS God is   .   .   .    My Light
  9. The GRACIOUS God is  .   .   .     My Enabler
  10. The MERCIFUL & FORGIVING God is My Savior

What more could you want or ask?  Give Him your praise and then trust Him to do all that He has promised to do for you as His beloved child.  He loves you!

Coming September 21 – A new 10 week study – “A Word to the Wise” – Themes from the Book of Proverbs.  Study guides are available anytime you want to get ready.


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